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Triple A Care News

We are pleased to inform you that Triple A Care was approved to provide Disability Support Services through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and commenced services in December 2017. Our application to provide support services through National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) was also approved. Our current disability support service clients have informed us that they requested our services due to the good reputation we have established providing Aged Care Services in the Community.

We have also signed agreements with Red Cross, Silver Chain and Independent Living Centre WA to provide respite services through the Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre (CRCC). We have delivered services to several Red Cross clients successfully since commencing this service in October 2017.

The Home and Community Care Programme (HACC) was transitioned to the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) in July 2018. HACC and CHSP is for clients who need basic support to live independently therefore we have been having conversations with our clients who receive more that 2 hours of services per fortnight regarding Home Care Packages (HCP). Eligible clients can receive more assistance through HCP. To receive a Home Care Package, clients need to be referred by their General Practitioner to an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) who will assess you for a Home Care Package. Depending on your health and needs you may be approved for a level 1 – 4 Home Care Package. A Level 4 package will entitle a client to the maximum services. Once you are assessed you join a national queue and wait your turn to be assigned a package.

When a client is assigned a package, they may select a provider of their choice and the client needs to give the provider the Code which is assigned to you to accept your Home Care Package within the stipulated time. If you wish Triple A Care to continue providing the service, Triple A Care will access your package using the code. We will help you to transition from HACC to HCP with the least disruption to your services. We will ensure the same support worker continue to assist you with the support you require.

We also take this opportunity to request you to send us feedback on the services provided to you. You may use the forms available in your home file or write to us. We appreciate your feedback as this is necessary to improve and provide a better service to you.

Finally, we encourage you to take the time to make your selves aware of the various services that are available to assist you to live at home independently. We are always happy to meet with you and talk to you and assist you to make an informed choice. We are also happy to speak to your doctor if required.

Please contact me if I can be of any assistance to you on:
Telephone – 9328 7688 or email: coordinator.services@aaawa.org.au
Thank you and assuring you of our continued support.

Dushyanthi Fernando

Offering Low Prices for Printing, Photocopying and Graphic Design

Customise and Print your Annual Reports, Newsletters, Flyers, Posters and Pamphlets or we can design them for you. Also if you are about to create your own LOGO and Business Cards we would be delighted to help you.

Colour A5: Members – 35 cents, Non Members – 50 cents
B&W A5: Members – 5 cents, Non Members – 10 cents
Colour A4: Members – 50 cents, Non Members – 70 cents
B&W A4: Members – 10 cents, Non Members – 15 cents
Colour A3: Members – $1, Non Members – $ 1.40
B&W A3: Members – 20 cents, Non Members – 25 cents
All printing cost is on 80 gsm paper. We have to change cost according to cost of paper we pay.


cost Per ISSUE: Full A4 – $ 100, 1/2 A4 – $ 50, 1/4 A4 – $25

Manil De Mel’s Farewell Party 2019

Manil De Mel joined the Australian Asian Association of WA Inc in September 2010 as the Coordinator of the Community Partners Program. In his role he was responsible for liaising with CaLD communities and organising information seminars for the CaLD community. He was also responsible for organising and running the Beyond Gambling Program. In December 2013 Manil took over as the Home Care Package (HCP) Coordinator. Manil retired in January 2019 and was farewelled
with a luncheon held on the 23rd of February 2019.

Dushyanthi Fernando
Coordinator Support Services